Jul 26, 2011

Taking a Hike

Not knowing how I would do on a very long hike, we decided to go on a short one to some waterfalls.
The trail to Morrell Falls was only 2.3 miles, but with my slow pace and Tyler's shuffle-footing, it seemed like it took forever.

It didn't matter though, because the day was gorgeous and there were lots of friendly people on the trail.

Once we got to the waterfall, we had lunch, which Tyler was excited for because he said the baby in his belly was hungry.

On the way back it really warmed up, and we promised to stop and get ice cream and put our feet in Seeley Lake.  It was a wonderful day, can't ask for a better thing to do in the summer.

Jul 18, 2011

60 years

Shawn's family gathered this weekend at the cabin to celebrate his aunt and uncle's 60th wedding anniversary.
Rosie waves a sparkler

Tyler didn't like the fireworks

We enjoyed the warm weather and SUNSHINE!

Matthew got a haircut!

Dale had his ear hair trimmed

Diane and Rosie--mother and daughter

The whole family that made it up. 

I finished painting my masterpiece on one of the window panels.  I started it right after Tyler was born (see his 3-week old footprints?)

Jul 14, 2011

Missing my Tyler

It's just Shawn and I this week.  Tyler is with Grandma, and while it has been a nice break, every morning I wake up and wonder what he is up to.

We have taken advantage of the opportunity and have gone for a couple of horseback rides....

And a nice hike (in the hail and rain).
The mosquitoes found us.
And I found this frog.

Jul 12, 2011

Kid's Fishing Day

After 8 years without a family fishing day, my office finally was able to get one going again. 
A huge wildfire fire in 2003, along with water rights issues caused the discontinuation.

I helped out with some of the organization, but others did most of the work--setting up learning stations, and putting on little talks about fish.

The trail crew boys were there to help out and give Shawn a hard time 
and Tyler and Paige found something to play with in the grass while we waited for the fish to get released into the lake.

"Will you never put me down?"

At one point, everyone there (about 90 people we guessed) lined up to carry buckets down and stock the lake with trout from the hatchery truck.

Over 300 little fish went in.

And nobody caught any!  The fish were probably too stunned to want to bite the worms. 
It was a fun afternoon/evening, and hopefully next year it gets even better.

Jul 5, 2011

Fishing for Suntans

We went out in the boat this weekend, intending on catching some fish.  Instead, we all got a healthy dose of sunshine.

Tyler in his Underoos makes me smile.

Pumpkin in a Parade

Tyler wasn't the only one who was in the parade this weekend.
I rode my horse Blondie, too!

Ugh, I wonder if people thought I had just put on weight?  I don't think I look particularly pregnant.

It was so much fun to walk through town on a horse, and she did sooo well, I wasn't nervous at all.

Shawn didn't want to be left out, so he jumped on a friend's wagon and caught a ride through town, too.

Jul 3, 2011

Parade Day

Tyler stop lollygagging!  We have a parade to get to!!
 The Daycare had a float for the kids to be in, and we didn't want to be late!

He was lucky and just sat in the "wagon" the whole way, eating fruit snacks.