This giant truck pulled up to our little house last Monday.
As we watched and tried to stay out of the way, two very nice guys packed us up.
When Tyler, Cash, and I drove off a storm had started to come on, and the temperature dropped to 60 degrees in an hour. Typical Lincoln!
It was sad for me to leave this place where so many major things in my life happened, but I didn't get to mope for long because Tyler was in the backseat jabbering away about the NEW HOUSE.
The packing up was a little disruptive to the adults.
But some people thought it was just another excuse to use a sleeping bag.
We rushed down to Wyoming, signed papers on the house, and drove up to this sweet welcome sign.
It was 95 degrees.
We had two nights without any of our things, and then the truck and guys finally showed up.
Which was a huge relief, because we were getting tired of sitting in camp chairs and not having a rocker for Cash.
Have I mentioned it is hot here?
We have a small patch of green grass (underground sprinklers) and the rest of the yard is dirt, rock, bark mulch, and horse residue.
Tyler got a haircut outside and they ran through the sprinklers to hose off and cool down at the end of the day.
It is going to be quite an adjustment living here, the weather is very different as is the geography. So far we are having a great time learning about the place. The unpacking is almost done, but that doesn't mean it is organized.
It's exciting to think of all the things we can do in Wyoming, and around the house.
I'm pretty sure we will be having lots of adventures here.