Feb 28, 2013

Once again, the amazing magazine Mamalode published one of my stories!
Mamalode Magazine issue number 14pullquote2-27-13
I thought it would be hard to put something so personal online, but as I have found out, sometimes the support that comes rolling in makes up for any awkwardness I might feel.
Check it out here.

Feb 25, 2013

Growing in the Sun

Getting hot out, time to take a rest

"Mud and boys" go together like "Tyler and shorts"

Feb 21, 2013

Our Hike is Published!

The Wyoming Office of Tourism put another one of my adventures on their website.  I'm excited they publish my stories, and hopefully we can keep up with having Wyoming fun to write about!

Feb 20, 2013

Portrait 5 :: Generations*

We were so happy that the Grandparents came to visit for a weekend.  The boys love having new people to play with, and I enjoy having company to visit with.
We took a drive one afternoon to the Bighorn Canyon Recreation Area and were met with sunshine, stunning views, and cool, crisp air.
Horseshoe Bend Overlook

180 degree view--just found this feature on my camera!

Too sunny for Tyler to smile

*"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Feb 15, 2013

Lemon-Blackberry Cheesecake and a Few Tears

I looked around online and found a recipe for lemon-blackberry cheesecake, and was able to make it in between referreeing wrestling matches, preparing milk, changing diapers, and writing out the bills.  I wanted something special for Valentine's Day, and I have given up chocolate for Lent so I needed another idea.

It turned out really good, but sometimes it is hard to enjoy our meals with the kids being so needy or cranky...the "scarf it down before it gets cold" mentality. We did pause before eating to say why we loved each other. 

"Because you guys make every day an adventure."

Feb 12, 2013

Portrait 4 :: Apple Happy

*This post is part of the 52 portrait series: a portrait, once a week, every week, in 2013.*

Feb 7, 2013

Seeing Friends and ZooMontana

Shawn's gone all week, so the boys and I have stayed active.  We visited some friends in Red Lodge, spent the night, and then all went to the Billings Zoo together.  It was Tyler's first time to a zoo, and he loved it.
Tyler and Eliza --so happy together
Cash was sick with a bad cold, but that didn't stop him from being overactive and annoying.

Watching a movie
Rosy red cheeks and toilet paper mess

Climbing little brothers weren't getting in the way of the movie watching

Eliza's friend Harry was at the zoo, too. 

Tyler and Harry hit it off, and had little patience in waiting for us to catch up

The kids wanted to take the Red Panda home to play.  It was soooo cute!

Howling at the Wolves

We love Eliza, she is so pretty and sweet.

One of the Grizzly bears was out, we liked watching him from safely behind the glass.