Nov 29, 2013

Driving and Hiking around the National Elk Refuge

A-hunting we will go

Since we are here in Jackson, I thought we should try and get a Christmas tree in the beautiful forest.  There were many roads to choose from, and I am sure they are/were all amazing, but the road we drove down had views that took my breath away.
We got to play in the snow and go sledding, and get some fresh air and exercise.  
The joke is that "we aren't picky" but it seems like Shawn has an opinion about every tree out there.  I love the one we got, even if it has a "flat side."  Now I can't wait to get it home and start decorating!

Nov 28, 2013

Photos From the Road

Unedited car photos...from Lovell to Jackson, through wide open Wyoming
Sunrise in Lovell

Nov 25, 2013


The Chamber of Commerce event I have been working on since starting the job FINALLY happened this weekend.  

It started with a Jingle Jog/Fun Run.  It was freeezing!  But fun.

Then, approximately 95 million people came to get their pictures taken with Santa at the Fire Hall.

There were arts and crafts, and gingerbread house building.

And it ended with the tree lighting right in the middle of town.  It seems early to have a Christmas-themed Holiday Mingle, but the idea is to catch people BEFORE they leave to shop in bigger cities.  

Nov 22, 2013

One little, two little....

Today Tyler's class went to the local hospital/care center to perform. 
He said they sang Indian songs and beat their drums and everyone laughed and clapped at them.
He plans on leaving the shirt on all night.

Nov 10, 2013

Two Birthdays

Since it's not every day we get to be around my Dad on his birthday, I decided to get a special cake.  And since it was Cash's birthday the day before, we got to celebrate in one big shot.
Tyler's friend's mom makes these stunning cakes, and I thought I would get one.  There's no way I can make one this neat, and it was sooo yummy, and left such a distinct color in Cash's diaper the next day (green?).

Dinner was walleye and roasted garden vegetables.

If I had more time I would have enhanced and cropped these photos.  
But I guess this is just "keeping it real."  Nice face, Tyler.

Around and Outside Wyoming

Lunch at the historic Irma Hotel in Cody.

Antelope near the Buffalo Bill Reservoir (Cody)

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area--ML Ranch site.

Nov 2, 2013


 We went to the "spook parade" at Tyler's school to watch the kiddos parade around in their costumes.
Afterwards, I peeked into his classroom to see the party before we headed home.
Then we went trick or treating for a little while around town, and at the local hospital.