Mar 26, 2014

Basket cases

I finished vacuuming the house, and smugly thought about how Shawn would be impressed with the clean house when he got home from work.
I put the vacuum away and rounded the corner to go back into the living room, and found these two monkeys spreading the Easter grass EVERYWHERE.  
They said they were just making pathways for me to walk through.

Mar 23, 2014

Sip and Paint

A friend and I signed up for an evening "Sip and Paint" session over in Cody.
We got to learn to to paint a horse, titled "Wildfire" during this session.

Wow was it fun!  I can't wait to sign our whole family up to come....Tyler was extremely jealous after hearing about it.

Mar 19, 2014

My First Brandin'

Nick ropes a calf
Yes, it was only 4 calves, but it doesn't take long to figure out the routine.  Our friends were vaccinating and branding and invited us over to watch.
Not sure what is going on...
Beth gives a shot of medication
Scotty brands the poor little thing.
Justin (aka Ducky Dynasty) gets in on the action
Don't ever dare Tyler to crawl through a small, muddy space.  That's his favorite trick to do.

Mar 15, 2014

Pup Wrestling

The two-week wrestling stint is over.  We had fun watching and getting a taste of what may come in the next several years with bleacher sitting and watching kids compete.  Tyler is not super aggressive, and would rather play and run than roll around and try to pin other kids.  He had a great time and stuck with it, and was mostly excited to get a tshirt and medal out of the whole deal.
Tyler didn't mind losing, especially to his best bud Chance.

Dad giving him a little pep talk

He was so concerned when Chance got hurt, that he came out on the mat to console him.
(He has 47 on his hand because that's how much he weighs)

Tyler on the far right.

Mar 10, 2014

Mar 6, 2014


Tyler signed up for a two week little guy wrestling session.  So far he likes it, mainly because his best bud is there, and he gets to run around and get sweaty and wear shorts.

Cash also has a friend, a month older than him but very similar.  They just ran around the gym and chased each other.

Mar 2, 2014

Fleecey Freezing Fun

We have met a family here who raise all sorts of animals, including these "hair sheep."  On the most miserable, cold day of the year (I say that all the time) we visited the new lambs.  The family is very lucky to have a huge indoor shop/barn, and the animals can live in there when it gets too cold.  These sheep are pretty hardy, and they are raised for their meat, since the wool sheds naturally and isn't very valuable.

One of the highlights of visiting is the indoor rope swing.  Fights usually break out on who gets to take a turn.

It is a nice break to get out of the house and visit a fun, unique family.