Apr 27, 2014

Easter Morning Hike in Bozeman

Tyler counted train cars

Matt helped me pick out nail polish colors

Apr 23, 2014

Egg Hunt

We went with Uncle Curt and Aunt Laura to a nearby town's Egg hunt.  Wowee!  Lots of kids and even more eggs.  There was a petting zoo and a fire truck to sit in.  The kids scored lots of candy and stuffed bunnies that morning.

Apr 18, 2014


With Shawn being gone to Cheyenne all week, I have appreciated the times when the boys have helped out.  I notice they are starting to be more accountable, and helpful  (but the rest of the time they are still making huge messes and fighting).

Today we are leaving to spend Easter in Bozeman, and Tyler made a list of things we need to remember.
Cash was delegated "toothbrushes" and "shoes."  
You'll notice he found every toothbrush in the house and put them on the porch---he did his job and then some I guess.
Happy Easter to all!

Apr 13, 2014


The secret egg messages didn't show up that well..

Two teeth gone!

His band-aid was just for show

Apr 12, 2014

Nothing much

We have not been doing anything exciting, but at work I have been busily planning the Chamber Banquet.
We got a babysitter last night to go to it, and had a pretty fun time. 

College President was speaker

My dress.  It was fun to have an exuse to try and look good although I am glad to be out of the shoes!

Apr 3, 2014

OUr SPeCiAl BoY!

For Tyler's special day at school, he was allowed to bring a pet, or someone special to him. 
He also got to bring some things from home that he wanted to show off.
He wanted to show his Quarter collection (from Grandma Rita), and everyone was impressed.
Cash felt pretty special himself.  He did tricks for Tyler's classmates, including jumping up and down and saying "blue."