Jul 26, 2014


This morning's adventure was a Road Race (Tyler and I biked) in a nearby town.  We did the 5K course, since the next step up was a 10K and he didn't think he could make that long of a ride.
Waiting for the Cowley Road Race to begin (630 am!!)

Cheering squad

Tyler's reaction on hearing he won for the boys 5K!!

I won for my age group.  (There were only 3 of us total!?!)

Jul 22, 2014

Paintrock and Medicine Lodge Lakes

We camped for two nights and drug our feet going home.
I loved seeing this side of the Bighorns!

Let this picture go down in history as the first time Shawn has ever hiked in shorts!

Pee Break

Jul 18, 2014

A necklace and a rug

This week I had a sad day.  I can't explain why exactly I was in a bummer mood, but I just was.
Everything was harder than it needed to be, and I just wanted to lay in bed and read.
But I had kids to entertain and a garden to keep up with.  That morning, I had gone through some of my Grammy's jewelry that dad just brought out, and put a necklace and bracelet of hers on.  I thought of her while they were clanging around, and then I rolled out the rug that was in her house.  I started to feel better, and so Tyler took a photo of Cash and I getting into a better mood (well, I guess it was just ME needing to be in a better mood).
I just needed a little reminder.
It worked.

Jul 8, 2014

The Greenest Green we'd ever Seen

The kids met their second cousins on Grandma's side--they live on the ranch.
Our Fourth of July trip to South Dakota was action packed and sooo fun....They have had weeks of rain, and the grass and woods were extremely lush, very different than our arid Wyoming landscape.

Shawn's other distant relatives had a pretty nice playground.

Our great campsite in Spearfish was perfect for some tractor work.....

...and swimming

Parade day in Belle Fourche!

Cash HATED the trucks and vehicles that came by spraying water.  He felt safer hiding out with these women (we didn't know them).

Tyler, on the other hand thought the spraying trucks were pretty great.

Evening BBQ at a friend's, who have a grand view of Bear Butte

A short attempt at mutton bustin'

Breakfast at the local coffeeshop, Tyler and I loved riding our bikes from the campground into town.