May 28, 2016

Female Black-headed grosbeak at my feeder!

Cash decided he needed to use some of my clay face mask

Another photo by Cash....lazy saturday morning

Butte Farmers Market

Afternoon trip to Ringing Rocks

Western Tanager

Hiking Big Butte/Cash Camera

I took a couple of photos, but Cash had the camera and took some interesting ones...

May 22, 2016

At the lake

This weekend we visited our friends who just bought a house right near Canyon Ferry Lake.

evening s'mores and wine

Shawn went out early in the morning to fish

One of the boys nicknamed "Bacon" was so wonderfully helpful!

Kind of cold and windy and choppy, and only 1 trout caught

May 15, 2016

Company comes!

This pigeon at our feeder has ribbons and bands.  I'm not sure who to call and tell!

May 8, 2016