Jun 13, 2011

A Birthday hike

I wanted to get out and stretch my legs this weekend and not worry about yardwork or gardens or neighbors, so I suggested we go to the First People's Buffalo Jump that was just over an hour from home. 
It was a good way to celebrate my birthday :)
The 3 mile hike took us across a prairie, and we were able to watch Thunderstorms rolling around in the distance.  I have decided I love prairies (but I also love trees!).

Tyler walked over half of the time.  We were so proud!  But he refused to get up and stand next to this.

Did I mention I didn't have my camera and Shawn's camera batteries were dead so I had to use my cell phone to take photos?

32 years old and still smiling.
 The title of this photo is:
"Get your butt back on the mowed pathway because there are snakes out there!"

Who dressed these two?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Looking pretty good for 32 can't believe it has been 4yrs this month we were out there. Time is sure flying by. Great pictures for using a cell phone. Aunt Marie
