Aug 24, 2011

Eastern Lushness

We have had some hot and dry temperatures in Montana lately, and things are brown and crunchy.  I have to water the garden, greenhouse and some flowers at least every other night.  We gave up on watering the lawn after Tyler's party was over.  Looking back at these New Hampshire photos, it is such a contrast between here and there.  
Jess and I picked blackberries just down from mom and dad's and then made blackberry jam.  My jars survived the airplane flight with only a little leakage, hopefully Jess didn't end up with a few new "purple" shirts from her jam.

What a trendy hat Mom!

Too nice to eat inside....

One rainy morning these guys burned paper and made "toast."

Hiking across the road from mom and dad's.  He always finds "treasures" in the woods.

Ugh--belly shot.  I'm sure I will appreciate these in 20 years, but now I just think I look yucky.  At least Tyler has a charming smile.


  1. Randy and I just commented this week about how we miss picking blackberries. Your dad showed us a prime picking spot years ago in Warren County and we can't seem to find it. Love your mom's hat...and your dad & Tyler with the junk car. Reminds me of photos we have with similar "treasures".... ~Shelly

  2. Jackie! Despite how you may look amazing and beautiful!!
