Aug 3, 2012

Diamonds in the Rough

There are times since we have moved to Wyoming that I've thought "how can people live so happily in the desert? How do they not crave shade and humidity and a lush forest?"

We are finding that there are lots of ways to escape the heat, there are lots of little oases to check out.  Most people around here head to the mountains on the weekends to relax in the cool weather.  The town is very quiet because everyone is either at church or camping.

I notice the difference between Shawn and I is that he would stay home with the boys, make it easy on himself if he were the stay at home parent. 
I need to get out and look at things and keep active.  Stress is part of the fun (?)....the packing of snacks, remembering bug spray and diapers and baby milk formula, and getting the dog to load up into the car.

This spot we found is called "Five Springs" and is a BLM campground and short trail to a waterfall.  It is in the middle of the rocks in the photo.  What an AWESOME picnic area and place to go. 

One thing I didn't remember was a backpack.  So Cash had to ride around in the Baby Bjorn.  He loves being in it, but the comfort level is going down for me since he weighs 21 pounds and really gets to kicking.  If only I could find him a bonnet that he could keep on.  We just lather him up with sunscreen these days hope he won't have premature wrinkles from all the squinting.

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