We sadly drove to Montana this weekend to attend a funeral of our great friend, Bill. He was 93 and lived all his days in the same little ranch town, in basically the same house.
It was not a surprise to see how many people came; the population of Helmville probably tripled for the afternoon. He was a special guy, always with a twinkle in his eye, a jolly story to tell, and a shot of Irish whiskey to share. We'll miss him but have our memories and his wife Moe to visit.
The driveway full of people going to the luncheon. |
A bottle of whiskey was passed with a nod to Bill before each swig. Moe made sure there was enough to go around...a few times. |
Tyler's BFF Wyatt was there, but unfortunately we left the boys with Curt. Shawn made sure to chat with him for a bit. |
Shawn and Casey told some stories to radiant Moe. |
Hi there fellow Wyomingite. So sorry for your loss; he sounds like an incredible man : )