We are so happy to have nice fall weather. It is in the 50s and 60s, with no snow or rain. All of us like to be outside, even if it is just to walk through the leaves (even Cash, who is now walking likes cruising around the yard).

You might not guess that Cash is going to be one year old in a week. Without hair, he looks so young. He is maturing though, saying bye-bye and surprising us with his knowledge. He holds a remote up to my ear, thinking it is a phone. And he knows very well which cabinets he can get into and find snacks.

My main man Tyler. He keeps me laughing (and yelling!).

I love little turned-up button noses. And soft precious baby faces.
UGH! To say we are happier not living in snow country is an understatement (at least for me). This was a picture of our old house that Shawn took last week. It gives me goosebumps!
Jackie, I'm loving your pictures. Can't believe Cash is almost one!