Jul 30, 2010
Dog Days of Summer
Jul 27, 2010
Tyler Loves the Fair
Luckily we had Matthew to ride with Tyler at the Fair. Otherwise we adults might not have fit on with him. Poor Matthew had to ride kiddie rides, but he never complained!

This must've been a tough turn to make cause all the kids were keeping their eyes glued to the wheels.

Jul 26, 2010
Ate, Drank, and Were Merry
Ok, so we did more than just go out to breakfast last weekend in Bozeman.
(yes, that is Tyler using a spoon to get jelly out of the packet).
We also went to a Mud Bog! It was hot, boring and long. But that was just my opinion of it. At least we also enjoyed other parts of the Fair, like the rides and petting zoo.
(yes, that is Tyler using a spoon to get jelly out of the packet).

Jul 21, 2010
An evening walk
After all the work and chores we've been doing, we decided to take a night off and go for a drive and a little hike. Tyler fell asleep, so then when we woke him up he wasn't too thrilled about having to walk. So he was carted around most of the time.

We looked at the flowers and grasses, and looked for animals. None showed their faces though.

Shawn took an "artsy" photo....
Jul 20, 2010
A Workin' Weekend
We ended up spending all weekend painting the exterior of the house. It was really not all that fun, but the results are great. Hopefully we move before we have to repaint again!
Then, after we were done putting band-aids on our blisters, Tyler and I went out to work on another chore-weeding the garden.
Tyler is somewhat helpful. I thought he could pull the weeds I pointed out, but he ended up just pulling everything he could reach.

He had a treasure to show to Dad.

Look, a RADISH!!
Tyler is somewhat helpful. I thought he could pull the weeds I pointed out, but he ended up just pulling everything he could reach.
He had a treasure to show to Dad.
Look, a RADISH!!
Jul 16, 2010
On the most recent hike with the school kids, we learned about amphibians. A little lake nearby had tadpoles and snakes, and Laura was able to catch a toad for everyone to look at.
Tyler was able to go on this trip, and he really enjoyed being with the "big kids." He was really paying attention and and learning.
Jul 13, 2010
Saturday I went to Missoula to go to the Farmer's Market and buy some things that just can't be bought in Helena.
I met up with my friend Meg and her kids, and we walked all around town.
I met up with my friend Meg and her kids, and we walked all around town.
Ashley liked the stairs.

The next morning the breeding frenzy was over and a lot less aphids were hanging around. Hopefully they were eaten and the ladybugs were reenergized after all that procreation.

A special thanks to Shawn, for going ahead and doing this without asking for my help (or notifying me that this was even going to happen).
He likes to squat down and point the ladybugs out to us. Over and Over. And then a couple more times. And just in case we missed it the first 13 times, he points them out again.

Jul 11, 2010
Lettuce Give Thanks...
Jul 9, 2010
Relaxin' at the Cabin
Jul 5, 2010
Hot Dogs and a Parade
This weekend is always a pretty big one for our town. For the 4th of July, there is a two-day Rodeo, parade, flea market, and a few other events.
Our Community Garden capitalized on all the visitors by selling hot dogs as a fundraiser. It was a first time for all of us, and we did pretty well~in 4 hours we made a few hundred dollars to put into the Garden's meager bank account. (we haven't started to break ground yet...)
It started out sunny but a wall of clouds quickly moved in.
Tyler and his best babysitter buddy Ellen tried to stay warm during a lull.
Next year maybe Tyler and I will ride my horse! The guy we bought her from said she is usually in it every year. If only I had known, I could have ridden Blondie through town with the other horseback riders!
Poor little wet kid. His lips were blue and he was shivering but he would not let go of a ball he was given, and he REFUSED to leave the side of the road. I had no idea little kids got so much candy. Shawn and I did all the work chasing after the goodies and making sure he didn't run out in traffic. It rained hard for about 5 minutes and then was only about 55 degrees. This 4th of July weekend was NOT HOT.
Jul 1, 2010
Kids in the Woods
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