Driving up north with Meg and Jen on Friday, we looked at the rain and clouds and thought "yuck." But then this glorious rainbow appeared and we just HAD to stop and take a photo. It was one of the most brilliant rainbow's I'd ever seen and I think it was an omen that we would have a great weekend no matter the weather.

Saturday we woke up to cloudy skies but were excited and perky (maybe from all the Coffee Trader's Coffee?) to get out and go.
1) It's not called "Sunny and Dry National Park"
2) Vault toilet seats that are cold on your rear in the summer do not magically become warm in the Spring.
We got loaded up and took off from the Avalanche trailhead--the furthest place a car can go in the Park right now. We didn't know how far we could go, and only knew the road was "flat for a while, and then a long climb up to Logan Pass." We knew we wouldn't be able to make it to the top due to the snow, so we just thought we'd ride until we no longer could!

The only Rule for the day: NO NEGATIVITY, no matter what

Meg heard a stick crack and looked up to see this Moose. Funny how you're not scared of being close to a moose when you have 10 layers on and a bike to pedal off with.

Road Construction machines were everywhere. I almost got trapped under one.

An avalanche blew through this part of the road. This is about 7 miles up and where it began to sprinkle a little.

A tunnel we rode through... I thought "oh good, a dry spot." No such luck==it leaked!!

All the waterfalls are much more vivid and beautiful when viewed from a bike. Add to that the feeling that you might fall off the edge of the road if a rock came rumbling down the hill, and it was an exhilirating experience.
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